Sunday 16 June 2013

Best Sad Love Quotes Animated For Myspace With Quotes Tumblr For Her Him Facebook Download

Best Sad Love Quotes Definition

A feeling of sadness that is not akin to pain, resembles sorrow only as the mist resembles rain —Henry Wadsworth Longfellow•  (Scarlett) felt bereft, as though she had sold one of her children —Margaret Mitchell The sadness which inspired the comparison was that experienced by the heroine of Gone With the Wind when she sold her lumber business.•  Felt melancholy grip him,
like a pain in the heart —Mary McCarthy•  (I felt depressed,) filled to the neck with sadness like a carafe with bad wine —T. Coraghessan Boyle•  His heart throbbed like a bruise in the sigh —Norman Mailer•  His heart would sink down to his bowels like lead —Thomas Wolfe• 
Looked and acted like a man who had just driven home from a couple of heart-rending funerals —George Ade• 
See Also: •  Melancholy as a discarded statesman —William Mountford•  Melancholy as a fiddle with one string —Thomas Holcroft•  My heart is within me as an ash in the fire —Algernon Charles Swinburne• 
My heart was as lead —Jack London•  Pathetic as all final efforts —Alice McDermott•  Pathetic as an autumn leaf —George Moore•
 (A low call,) plaintive as a shepherd calling, to sheep who need no strident invocation —Arthur A. Cohen• 
Sad as an eagle without wings, sad as a violin with only one string —Jean Rhys•  Sad as night —William Shakespeare•  Sad as professional mourners —F. Scott Fitzgerald•  Sad as twilight —George Eliot• 
Saddening as a forest fire —Robert Traver• 
Sad like graveyards —Terry Bisson•  Sad … like somebody who’s pilot light got blown out a long time ago —Susan Kelly•
 Sadness … gnawed like a rat at his mind —Roderic Jeffries•  Sadness, like that inspired by a grave strain of music —Joseph Conrad•
  Sadness that, over the years, had gathered in his chest like matter in a clogged drain —Joyce Reiser Kornblatt•
 There would come, like water washing over a sunken buoy, the little knell of sadness —Hortense Calisher.The term "sad sack" became popular during World War II and has been used ever since to refer to an incompetent, slightly pitiful person. to feel sad because a close friend has moved away.expressive of or characterized by sorrow: sad looks; a sad song.causing sorrow: a sad disappointment; sad news.(of color) somber, dark, or dull; drab.deplorably bad;

Best Sad Love Quotes Animated For Myspace With Quotes Tumblr For Her Him Facebook Download

Best Sad Love Quotes Animated For Myspace With Quotes Tumblr For Her Him Facebook Download

Best Sad Love Quotes Animated For Myspace With Quotes Tumblr For Her Him Facebook Download

Best Sad Love Quotes Animated For Myspace With Quotes Tumblr For Her Him Facebook Download

Best Sad Love Quotes Animated For Myspace With Quotes Tumblr For Her Him Facebook Download

Best Sad Love Quotes Animated For Myspace With Quotes Tumblr For Her Him Facebook Download

Best Sad Love Quotes Animated For Myspace With Quotes Tumblr For Her Him Facebook Download

Best Sad Love Quotes Animated For Myspace With Quotes Tumblr For Her Him Facebook Download

Best Sad Love Quotes Animated For Myspace With Quotes Tumblr For Her Him Facebook Download

Best Sad Love Quotes Animated For Myspace With Quotes Tumblr For Her Him Facebook Download

Best Sad Love Quotes Animated For Myspace With Quotes Tumblr For Her Him Facebook Download

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